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Tue01Aug2023Fri31Jul2026Karlsruhe (Germany) & Savannakhet (Lao P.D.R.)
Erasmus+ Key Action 171 Mobility Project between the University of Education Karlsruhe and Savannakhet University (budget 62.470,00 Euro): After our first two mobility projects, "Bi-directional Teaching and Learning" (2018-2021) and "Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship" (2021-2023), we now embark on "Digital Citizenship and Bi-directional Decoloniality" for 3 years (2023-2026).
Tag Cloud
"Mopsy" "Singlish" Activities Asian food body language Buddhism dancing emotions English Erasmus+ Mobility Programme PH Karlsruhe and Savannakhet University Falang festival first impression friendship Germany happiness Hilderstone intercultural competence internship journey language acquisition Lao food Lao teachers' essays Lao-German Technical College Laos Lending Library Letters from England literature Ministry of Education and Sports partnership personal highlight Phang Heng primary school Phang Heng secondary school Sikeud primary school singing smile Teaching English in Laos teaching the teachers Total Physical Response travel VEDI Vientiane ways of teaching Western food workshop
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Β© Isabel Martin & Contributing Collaborative (2024)