“Memorandum of Understanding” between the Angels for Children foundation and the University of Education Karlsruhe
On 15 December 2015 the new cooperation between Angels for Children and the University of Education was formalized: the Chairman of the Foundation Christian Engel and the Head of the Institute of Multilingualism Prof. Dr. Isabel Martin signed a joint Memorandum of Understanding. In this paper the areas of cooperation were determined, such as the development of the schools supported by Angels for Children, the training of the Lao English teachers in didactics, methodology, and the English language, the support with modern teaching material and media, and the ongoing fight against illiteracy.
While the core of the Memorandum revolves around the schools supported by Angels for Children, the larger focus is on the Lao education system in general. Through close cooperation with the responsible Lao state institutions, i.e. the Teacher Training College Dongkhamxan, the National University of Laos, the Research Institute for Educational Sciences, and the Ministry of Education and Sports the new aim of improving English teacher training and the English curriculum can be pursued at the national level.
The combination of first-hand experience of Laos gained by the foundation since 2003 and the artistic and creative approaches to language teaching employed by the University of Education Karlsruhe will help to deal with some of the existing obstacles and problems. For starters, the modern infrastructure and organization provided by Angels for Children in three governmental schools were an excellent basis for trying out new teaching methods and material. The promising first results of the pilot phase of the project can now be built on with the help of the Lao state institutions to improve English lessons outside of our hitherto modest range. We are looking forward to exploring how far this joint venture might take us over the next five years together!
Text by J.Zeck & I.Martin
Attatched by you find the pdf file of the Memorandum of Understanding:
2015-12-15 MoU between AfC and PH Karlsruhe

Photo by J.Zeck