“Team IX” revisited
Sabaidee, hello, and hallo, dear readers!
We are happy to announce that our “Team IX” page on this blog is now complete and online, as a closure to our team‘s “post-phase” (the work-phase after the stay in Laos). It is now published on the page that lists all other team pages of the previous eight teams. On our new team page we describe our work, tasks, and roles during our internships in Laos.
In our blog posts we already detailed special experiences, adventures, and encounters, and also the results of the academic research we conducted.
Editor’s note: The pages on our blog are permanent tabs used for structuring the site and giving background information about the project “Bi-directional learning and teaching (English) in Laos” and are written by the editors, with two exceptions: The “Team” pages are written by the teams, and the “Teacher” pages are written by the Lao teachers. (You can find the “Teacher” pages under the tabs “Primary Education“, “Secondary Education“, “Vocational Education“, and “Higher Education“.)
Blog posts, by contrast, are entries on the blog which tell stories and report on single items of the concrete work and research which we are conducting, from many different perspectives. These are professionally edited multi-author posts, which are written by the teams, our Lao partners, many other guest authors, and also by the editors themselves. There are 317 posts so far.
Older posts are also permanently available, but the thelaosexperience.com start page will only show the 12 most recent entries, as blog posts appear in reverse chronological order. So, to view an older publication, use the search function, the category function, the tag function, or simply scroll through the list under “Blog”: “All posts since October 2015”.
Team IX has published the following posts so far:
An introductory post (“We are Team IX!“);
a post about our new pilot-project and being the first volunteer at the VEDI (by P.H. Nguyen),
a recollection of the 5th Lao-German Friendship Feast on 21 June 2019 (by Y.-J. Dyck & I. Martin), and
two articles within the “Language Education and Global Citizenship” series,
one on 30 years of teaching Eng in East Asia (by LJ) and
one on Intercultural learning at PH Karlsruhe (by Y.-J. Dyck), as well as
an interview with VEDI dorm neighbours on their career path to becoming a vocational teacher (by L. Jakob and P.H. Nguyen).
Also, we have some new posts in the pipeline for you that we will publish in the near future, so stay tuned!
Text by Y.-J. Dyck, editor’s note by I. Martin
Photos by J. Friedl & I. Martin